Cat's behavior is certainly odd, but it might be explained by any number of circumstances. One of her parents is seriously ill. She's seriously ill. Her boyfriend has proposed to her and she really doesn't want to marry him but neither does she want to hurt him. She's been put on probation at work. She's gotten a job offer somewhere else but she doesn't know if it's right for her. She's got gas. Her shoes are stylin' but they hurt her feet. She has gall bladder trouble (not usually fatal but definitely lifestyle changing).
"What did you say, Jenkins? There are a couple of Egyptian gentlemen who want to learn to fly, but not to land? Should we inform the FBI? Uuuuhhh... lemme think... naaahh, there may be all those reasons why they don't want to land... girlfriend troubles, shoes may be too tight, or maybe it's their gall bladders...."
