Ann wrote:
But poor Cat's awful situation isn't what I hate most here. No, it's the way the good guys behave! Consider. Lois has received word from Lex that there is a mole at the Daily Planet, and she believes in that information. She informs Clark, who is skeptical. They inform Perry, who not only believes them, but who understands who the mole is, too. Cat. So he... asks Jimmy to keep an eye on her.
Perry only said that it makes sense that there's a mole in the newsroom. He has no proof, and he has to have proof before he either prints an accusatory story or he actually accuses someone of something. Besides, given the Clark/Lex arc of season one, this series has a history of unproven suspicions being kept under wraps. Cat's behavior is certainly odd, but it might be explained by any number of circumstances. One of her parents is seriously ill. She's seriously ill. Her boyfriend has proposed to her and she really doesn't want to marry him but neither does she want to hurt him. She's been put on probation at work. She's gotten a job offer somewhere else but she doesn't know if it's right for her. She's got gas. Her shoes are stylin' but they hurt her feet. She has gall bladder trouble (not usually fatal but definitely lifestyle changing).

There are any number of valid possible explanations for Cat's attitude. Besides, Perry runs a newsroom, not a kindergarten, and Cat knows how to hide her activities from prying eyes. Jimmy's young and inexperienced, but he's also determined and single-minded. Don't worry, Perry will have all the proof he needs soon. Just what he's going to do with it remains to be seen.

Yes, many people were killed at the lab, but there's no firm evidence that Clark and Lois were the primary targets. The main purpose of the blast might have been just to throw a huge kink in the space program, or to give someone else a chance to pick up some of the business that Luthor might lose because of the delays. And remember that Nigel needed to get rid of Toni Baines, too. As our least favorite Brit (at least, in the L&C universe) might say, "Luck is preparation meeting opportunity."

Elisabeth, thanks for the comment about my "despicable poetry." I know, you meant the coffee! And thanks for all the kind comments about Ultra Woman. I'm glad y'all liked her debut. I promise she won't disappear before the end of the episode.

Nice idea, Michael. I guess Krypton wouldn't be a very open society, would it?

Amy, I'm sorry I missed your favorite time. Maybe it'll show up in a later chapter.

Ann, I don't know how you find all those wonderful images, but keep it up! I laughed out loud when I saw Doctor Luthor and Mr. Winfield!

Thanks for reading, all! Next chapter due later this week. My wonderful betas do have real lives, after all.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing