Carol, sorry I'm late with feedback but I didn't have to tell you that this story is the bomb!

Clark landed them on the roof of the Lexor. "I've always wanted to do this in front of you."

Lois looked at him, puzzled. "What?"

"This." He brought his arms up and spun. By the time he was done spinning, he was back in his jeans and T-shirt.

"Wow." She stumbled back. "Clark, we need to talk."

"I know." He sighed. "Do you trust me?"

She gulped and then nodded.

She glared at him as he looked her up and down intently then realized that she suddenly felt warm and that steam was coming off of her. "What are you doing?"

"Warming you up."

She looked puzzled.

"Heat vision."


"Come here." He held out an arm and she cautiously stepped into his embrace. He wrapped his other arm around her and in literally seconds, she was standing in the middle of their living room suite.
This was just so many emotions wrapped up into one, awe... I've always loved that Clark wants to morph in front of Lois , I guess as a confirmation of being totally open and vulnerable to her.
"Come on."


"We're taking a bath."

"Together?" he managed to squeak out.

She laughed and muttered under her breath, "Who would have thought Superman could squeak?" She shook her head as she walked towards the bedroom.

"I do not squeak." Against his better judgment, he followed her.

"You squeaked."

"I did not."

Lois sighed and rolled her eyes. "Fine, you didn't squeak, Super Mouse." She turned to face him. "But you are going to take a bath with me. We're married remember?"
I just love it when Lois renders Clark speechless from embarrassment. He is in love with her and it's almost like her calling his bluff.
I've wanted to put down roots, to get married..." He paused. "To have kids. I love kids. I want kids of my own. Is that realistic?" He shrugged. "For most adopted kids? Probably. For me? I doubt it. First, if I could find someone who loved me enough to marry me, given my rather unusual second job that could require me to miss important occasions, to run out in the middle of conversations, to be gone for days at a time in the case of a major disaster... Even if I could find someone like that, who could also accept the fact that I'm an... alien..." He took another deep breath. "The fact remains that I am an alien. I’m not from here. Who's to say if I could even father children?" He paused. "It's a moot point right now anyway." He played with the bubbles some more.
"So, I know that kind of love exists, but I don't know that it's in the cards for me.
That she could live with the fact that I'm not human and may not be able to ever give her children. Sure, me and this fictitious woman could adopt, but, so help me, I want to have children of my own."

By this point in his soliloquy, tears had silently begun to slip down his cheeks. He'd never been so open with anyone about his origins, about his hopes and dreams. Sure, his parents knew he wanted a family, but not how badly. He'd never discussed the possibility of infertility with them, knowing it would likely dredge up bad memories.
Clark has really opened up to Lois and now they have no more secrets. Just the fact that he trusted her that much speaks volumes. And I think Lois realizes what Clark just gave her.

Also, I think Clark is asking Lois is all of this all right with her. He's trying to gauge how she feels about all of this because he wants her to love him unconditionally, so badly.
"You don't ever have to repeat any of that."

"I'm not planning on it.
Wow! This is certainly the opposite of what we have always known this scenario to be.
"And there's no one in your life who made you feel that way? Who makes you feel that way?"

Clark carefully for a moment, trying to decide how to answer that question. "There is. Or was. Or something. I fell in love with a woman the first time I saw her, but she's never seen me as more than a friend or a spandex clad superhero." He carefully avoided her gaze.

"You mean me, don't you?" she asked quietly.
I'm so glad that Lois didn't try to deny Clark her feelings, here.
"I do love you, Clark. I think I always have."

Very well done. Just hurry up with the next part!


I'm a firm believer in the fact that God doesn't put any more on us than we can bear. He does however make us come to Jesus every so often.