In case I'm first I'll be right back... otherwise I'll post in the other person's thread!

<looks around> Where is the looking around gremlin? This one? goofy

"Lois, there is no little Clark or..." he raised a brow. "...Clarkette out there anywhere."
Clarkette??? Clarkette!!!! Isn't that the best LnC kid's name ever!!! Please let your Lois and Clark have a daughter and name her Clarkette, Carol! Please?

(I got all kinds of delicious images in my head as I saw that name. Clarkette. This image comes closest of the ones I was thinking of when I googled Clarkette, though I pictured Clarkette more like a girls' rock band... Clara and the Clarkettes? laugh )

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One of these girls is presumably a Clarkette. I'd love it if she had a special affinity for bubble baths....

The astronomer in me absolutely loved this, too:

"Maybe the planet was going to explode and they couldn't save themselves but they managed to save you. Maybe the sun was going to go all quasar on them or something."

"I think you mean supernova, Lois. A quasar is sort of like a black hole at the middle of a galaxy. An exploding star is a supernova."
Woo-hooo!!! Yes!!!

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This is a quasar. It is a galaxy with a black hole in the middle. The black hole is surrounded by a thick disk of material that swirls around the black hole at mindbogglingly breakneck speeds, until the disk itself glows furiously white hot because of the sheer incredible friction of the particles in the dust disk rubbing against one another as they twist madly around! The stuff in the disk moves inexorably closer to the black hole until bits and pieces of it gets swallowed up! But every time the black hole has a snack, it burps twin super-violent superjets bursting forth perpendicularly from the disk. Wowzers!

(Anyway, Krypton's sun neither went quasar nor supernova. Like Clark said, a star can't become a quasar. Under very special circumstances it can become a supernova. But if it does, it becomes simply super-brilliant, and if Krypton was close enough to the Earth that Jor-El and Lara could send their son to Earth in a spaceship, then there is just no way we could have missed if Krypton's sun went supernova on us!)

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A typical supernova, before and after.

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Krypton's son...

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Krypton's sun? Don't think so.... wink

On a more serious note, I loved how Clark confessed his loneliness and his pain about his unknown origins and his intense longing for a family to Lois. Here's hoping that she will help relieve his loneliness and longing sooner rather than later!

But Carol, this sure worried me!

Neither noticed the credit card lying on the ground in the office.
Uh-oh! Nooo!!! eek

Okay! This was delightful. Please come back with more soon!
