I just wanted to pop in and say that I enjoyed this last installment, especially the flashback to Jon and Ellie and their conversation about Grandpa Kent's funeral.

“Jon, I know this has been difficult for you,” Ellie told him hesitantly. “But it’s been hard on everyone. And I really think you need to just take a day and blow off some steam-”

“You might be able to do that, Ellie,” Jon interjected, “but I can’t. Grandpa meant a lot more to me-”

“I loved him too!” Ellie cut in. “Just because you lived with him for four years doesn’t mean that you have the ultimate claim on grief. We’re all grieving, Jon!”
Interesting. In the last story, we got to see the mystery of Jon's relationship with Amanda unravel over time. In this part, we're seeing more about how he finally decided to don a suit and join the family business. It'll be interesting to see how Jonathan Kent's death made Jon throw himself into the superhero business, since he was always the more cautious one about using the powers in public. Maybe Grandpa didn't die of natural causes, but because Jon couldn't act quickly enough to save him from something else?

Eagerly awaiting the next part,