Thanks everyone for the great feedback!

Oh, temptation rears it head. How will Jon handle it? Giving him access to a device that can undo the revelation to Amanda!
So true! How many of us would be tempted to take away a person's memories of a particular event?

I guess many people would be happy to get paid and not have to work for it but I guess Jay really just wants to help the country. I think he is growing on me.
I'm glad, em. Jay does come off as a bit of a jerk at the start, but hopefully now that you know what he's going through you can understand his actions a bit better.

gr8shades, I would never suspect you of voluntarily giving up the right to start a fdk thread. wink Thanks for your comments.

Okay, Beth, you've got some dark ideas rolling around in your head!
Thanks JD! devil What's a LnC based story without at least a threat of amnesia?

Alisha, you'll never find me complaining about "bad feedback" I don't think there's such a thing. Just knowing that people are reading puts a smile on my face. smile


Why am I worried about the whole mind wipe thing? Certainly not because it could hurt Kaylie. There would be no reason for that whatsoever. Right?
Well, as JD said, it would make for some good angst, and I can't just write a multiple part story that has nothing but engagement fluff... We'll see how this plays out. wink

The extent of Jay's memory loss bothers me. Why would the bad guy/gal/guys/gals/whatever wipe out such a wide range of memories?
We'll find out more about this in the next part, Terry, but for now maybe take a peek at the first chapter again, as seen through a new light. Our mysterious female baddie mentions that she wants to make an example out of their prisoner. And so perhaps they were deliberately crude in what they did in an attempt to really show the NIA that they mean business.