
A confused and muddled heap is our Clark. A damaged and possibly unhinged remnant is our Lois. And he thinks he killed her? And now the powers have left him?

I wonder how much of that is the result of the Kryptonite exposure and how much is psychosomatic. Because he blames himself for Lois's death, and specifically he blames the use of his powers, he's not allowed to use them because he's been a bad boy with them. I wonder how long it will be before Henderson gets word to Clark - no, wait, Lois won't want him to tell Clark because of something that happened to her while she was "away." And she won't share that with anyone, either, maybe because she doesn't quite know herself what was done to her.

Am I close? Doesn't matter. This is going to be a very interesting trip, especially since not all is what it seems. Dum da dum dum daaaaaa!

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing