Carol, this was one of my favorite episodes. Lois and Clark's resolve was surely tested here! And I loved your rewrite. My only problem is that you said that this was part 1/2 or 3. Well it's been two days...WHERE'S THE OTHER PART(S)?
Clark continued the kiss for a few more seconds as the door to the bedroom and later the suite itself shut and then pulled back. He was breathless. He had kissed Lois a time or two, but nothing like that. He rolled off of her and then sat up, trying desperately to pretend it hadn't affected him like it had.

He could hear Lois' breathing and noted her increased heart rate. Maybe she had felt just a little of what he did whenever he was near her.
You bet your sweet little chumpy she felt something!
He decided he could go for one more, just to see her reaction. "It's a *big* bed. How about we share?"

Lois opened her mouth as though to make a sharp retort then closed it. "You know," she sighed. "You're probably right."

Clark did a double take. "I am?"

She nodded. "That maid walked in without any warning and if someone else does and finds you sleeping out here... Well, that might invite a lot of questions we really don't want to answer."

Clark stared at her. "Are you sure? We could always say that we had a fight."

"No. We're both adults. We can share a bed, even a round one, without a problem."

Clark stood. "If you think that really is the best way..." He grinned at her. "I'll even sleep on top of the sheets."

She rolled her eyes. "That's not necessary. Besides, I turned the air way down in here last night and it's pretty chilly in there. You'll get cold."

Clark doubted that was going to be a problem and was sure that his invulnerability had nothing to do with it.
Clark is so sweet and innocent her, trying to protect Lois's honour. His innocence surely show through her and if Lois ever doubted Clark's intentions, the truth is staring her in the face here.
She rolled over and closed her eyes. Maybe Clark would buy that she was asleep before he came back in.
He walked across the room, listening to her breathing. It was pretty obvious that she wanted him to think she was asleep, but her rapid heart rate told him that she wasn't.

He slid into his side of the bed, and rolled so that his back was to Lois. He'd do his best to make sure she wasn't uncomfortable, even if he didn't think he'd get any sleep at all tonight.
So, Lois plays sleep and Clark plays along. They're both just so nervous. It's so sweet. They're both so unsure about how the other one feels.
Lois tried to roll over, but a weight on her waist prevented it. Where was she? She looked around. The honeymoon suite. Why couldn’t she move? Her hand moved to her waist to see why and felt an arm. An arm?

Clark's arm.
Funny how sleep relieves one's inhibitions. Clark even subconsciously wanted t hold Lois...close to him and in his sleep, he could do it freely. And if Lois is honest with herself, she wanted Clark to hold her. That's why they both slept so peacefully, because they were both right where they wanted to be.
She could feel his body molded against hers as they spooned. She'd never spooned with anyone before.
Already, Lois has shared something with Clark that she had never shared with anyone else before; this intimate closeness {not sexual}.
Very few of her other dates – interviews Lucy had called them – had resulted in more than a chaste kiss on the cheek and many not even that.

And so this was the first time she'd ever truly *slept* with someone and she was finding it to be... quite comfortable. And safe. She'd never felt this safe, not even when flying with Superman.
Suddenly, it hit her. She could wake up every morning like this for the rest of her life and she'd be okay with that. She felt safe and secure and somehow knew that she'd sleep better than she ever had while wrapped in Clark's arms.
We fail to realize the intimacy of just "sleeping" together. To me this says a lot about how much Lois and Clark love and trust each other, though they don't know it yet.
He levitated.

He just lifted up off the bed and hovered there about 18 inches above the mattress.

Lois stared and then waved one hand underneath him to make sure that there were no strings or any other explanation.

There was only one logical conclusion.

Clark was Superman.
Okay, Lois cannot be too mad at Clark. This was first season!
Superman. That caught her off guard. Of course, she was safe with Superman. But this was Clark. He was a rock when she needed one. He'd taken her in his arms more than once. And he'd been a perfect gentleman during the pheromone fiasco. Many lesser men would have taken advantage of her.
Lois has to remember that this is the same man who could have taken advantage of her, but didn't. So that has to mean that he at least sincerely cares about her and that this is not something that he shares with just anyone.

Very nicely done! Please hurry back!


I'm a firm believer in the fact that God doesn't put any more on us than we can bear. He does however make us come to Jesus every so often.