Yay! A HiM rewrite. And it's sure looking good already!

He decided he could go for one more, just to see her reaction. "It's a *big* bed. How about we share?"

Lois opened her mouth as though to make a sharp retort then closed it. "You know," she sighed. "You're probably right."
Yes!!! They'll be sharing the bed!!! smile1

Lois tried to roll over, but a weight on her waist prevented it. Where was she? She looked around. The honeymoon suite. Why couldn't she move? Her hand moved to her waist to see why and felt an arm. An arm?

Clark's arm.


She could feel his body molded against hers as they spooned. She'd never spooned with anyone before.
Aaaaawwww!!!! thumbsup

Clark shifted again in his sleep so that he was back on his side, facing her.

And then the strangest thing happened.

He levitated.

He just lifted up off the bed and hovered there about 18 inches above the mattress.

Lois stared and then waved one hand underneath him to make sure that there were no strings or any other explanation.

There was only one logical conclusion.

Clark was Superman.
Wo-hooo!!!! dance jump

Come back soon with more!!!
