Originally posted by TOC:
What you didn't write, but let us feel on our own, was how Clark was going through the same kind of doubts and fears. Could he refer to the kisses they had shared? What if she had kissed him just because she was drunk? What if she had forgotten it by now and would be furious if he reminded her of it? What if she even thought he had been taking advantage of her?
One of the wonderful things about using a limited POV is trying to show what the other person is feeling and thinking without making it clear to the POV character. In the case of Clark, the audience already would suspect what he is feeling, since we're aware that Lois has actually kissed BOTH of them...


You had me giggling at the penultimate line of this part:

Clark leaned in to murmur, “If this guy is lying, I hope we can nail him with some hard evidence.”
Who is lying, Clark, but you? And as for nailing the lying guy with some hard evidence... my mind was really in the gutter for a moment there. Sorry. blush

Don't be sorry. I may be tempted that direction... with the right encouragement... no promises though. laugh Thank you for reviewing!

Originally posted by Sheila:
I hate to say that I don't remember this story being posted but I just went back and read part 1 and it s amazing. I'm loving it and hope that you will continue without too much delay.

Poor Lois--I hope she gets some answers soon and poor Clark doesn't have a clue if he should say something or not!

Nicely done!

I was hoping I would be able to grab a couple of new readers this time around! Since it's been over two months since the last part, I figured a lot of people wouldn't remember/never saw it. Thank you for giving it a try!

It is a bit of a quandary here, isn't it? I love those. smile

Originally posted by cp33:
Somehow I missed part 1 as well. Thanks for linking it.

I really like this so far. The cat fight between Lois and Cat was well done. I am looking forward to more. I can't wait to see how Clark handles this.
You're welcome -- thanks for following the link! I missed Cat in later seasons, and this storyline just seemed to call for her character. I'm looking forward to how Clark deals with this, too!

Originally posted by Mercy:
Poor Lois! How frustrating, trying to feel out the truth of what happened while navigating the minefields of
- embarrassment over her behavior
- blossoming feelings for Clark
- conflicted feelings towards Superman
And of course she's too stubborn to squash her pride and just ask. Then again, if she *does* have feelings for Clark, better not to have him think she's kissing other boys, hmm? And Clark! Trying to salvage their friendship by not mentioning that passionate kiss. He must be feeling such a mixture of emotions
- hurt that she's not mentioning it
- fear that it will mess up their friendship
- guilt that she may have been too drunk to remember the kiss
- fear that she may have seen too clearly the night before
After all, if she is convinced Superman kissed her, and it turns out it was Clark, then she may put 2 and 2 together...!

Anyway, can't wait for the next part!
That's a really nice summary there! I may have to steal it for my own story notes! Unlike many of my stories (in other fandoms), this one's outline is still very much a WIP. Thanks for the review as well!

Originally posted by The Little Tornado:
Ok we know it's Clark either way ..... or do we?

Because damn it why hasn't the boy said anything yet? Why damn it? Why?


Because she said something in the cab or before the cab to make him think that she thought he was Superman - she asked him to fly her home and he couldn't refuse!! So he's waiting to say something when he sees her as Superman!!!

Can't wait for the next bit!

The Little Tornado.
Clark's thinking here is purposely unclear, and it will likely remain that way until he tells her... I intend to keep this in Lois' POV. But I can tell you that he has many things to worry about here. Mostly stemming from not being sure whether A) Lois remembers at all and B) who Lois thinks she kissed. He's just as worried as she is about making a misstep, and has more experience at hiding his true feelings. laugh And see, I did continue this! *hugs*

Originally posted by Laurach:
Oh nice I just read both parts. Very cute so far. I am looking forward to more soon. Laura
Thanks for jumping aboard! I hope I can write another section, and in less than two months this time. blush