Terry, I have to let you know that I am reading this, and enjoying it, even though I'm not thrilled to see Lois with Lex.

Yes, this Lex seems like 'A darned nice guy', but this is Lex, he can't be a nice guy. That would be boring. I can only hope that Lex begins to reveal his true self before Lois gets too involved and hurt badly. (Though that might be his purpose in this tale.)

Clark, on the other hand, is really uncertain as to what it is that he wants. He keeps telling himself that he's not really ready to 'move on' but he seems to be seeking someone to fill the void left by Lana's death.

I don't remember the first story all that well, but it seems that Lana knew what Clark was going to need with her gone. He was going to need Lois.

You have quite a challenge in this story. You are building a world where Lois and Clark have lives outside the Planet and outside each other. How and if you plan to bring that together will be an interesting story.

Since the story is already finished, there is no reason not to post parts frequently.

Tank (who can't help it but he still cringes whenever Lois is with Lex)