Beautiful, Barbara, and it's great to have you back!

This is my favorite passage from you new vignette:

“You shouldn't be alone on Christmas,” Lois said suddenly.

She didn't know why she just couldn't keep her tongue in check. What was it about Superman that she felt so drawn towards him? His powers, her mind whispered. But Lois felt that there was more to him, than that.

He looked kind of lonely. She didn't exactly like Christmas, but suddenly she couldn't stand the thought that he would spend that day alone on a cloud, or wherever he lived.
Lovely. We so often see Lois being lonely on Christmas, and Clark coming to her rescue. Those stories are lovely. But this is the first time when Lois thinks that Superman is lonely on Christmas, and she invites him to stay with her. Not primarily because she is star-struck and infatuated, but because she wants to make his Christmas a little brighter.

Lovely! Welcome back with more stories.
