Ooh, more feedback! Thanks, y'all!

I'll go in reverse order this time for no particular reason. Thanks for reading, lizardeb72, even if you didn't leave any feedback (blatant hint graemlin should go here). Please feel free to let us know what you think of the story so far.

BJ, I'm glad you liked the "soul-mate" thing here. I'm veering off-canon with this, because in the series Lois and Clark were aware of each other and could send strong emotions through their link, but they couldn't (or at least they didn't) talk to each other. Most all Kryptonians could communicate telepathically, but they couldn't do it with humans. As has been mentioned before, Clark never had any kind of link like this with Lana, so his relationship with Lois has already moved to another level.

Maria, we'll see how Jonathan reacts to Lois in a few chapters. And if Superman were to die of Kryptonite poisoning, then Lois might be a dead duck too. We'll have to see if something like that comes to pass.

Ann, I'm glad you're still with us. And I'm glad you liked this chapter. I know you (and many others) really, really want want Lois and Clark to get together. We'll have to see if that happens, too. And I'm glad you like Martha. I always enjoyed K Callan's portrayal of the Kansas farm wife with out-of-the-box dreams and skills.

As for one or the other being more flawed, I think that they're both flawed, and they've both been deeply hurt, but they're both starting to recover. They're not done recovering, but they should get there. After I've put them through the wringer, of course.

Lisa, thanks for the nice comment! The link does have some deep implications, and we'll see some of them in the next chapter.

Speaking of the next chapter, it'll be up soon.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing