Nice chapter, Terry. I really enjoyed Bob's conversation with Lois and the introduction to the 'soul-mates' concept.

Ann said:
Hmmmmm. Interesting. I think you have hinted, Terry, that Lois is so much more flawed than Clark. (I don't necessarily agree with you, mind, but this is your story and you call the shots.)
It's interesting that you would interpret it this way. I actually had the opposite thoughts while reading it. See this part again:

Both parties had to be sincere in their desire to separate, both had to be secure in their own identities and not overly dependent on the other for either emotional support or intellectual undergirding,
I don't think that either of them would be sincere in their 'desire to separate', but more for Clark than Lois. I think Clark is much more dependent on Lois emotionally at this stage in their lives. So, I interpreted it to mean that Clark is more (I'm using your phrase here) 'flawed', not Lois.

Personally, I don't think either of them are flawed. They're both dealing with a lot of grief.

Great part.