Well, Terry, I'm still reading. I opened the story and immediately checked out the ending of this part. Would Lois be with Luthor or would she be with Clark? She was with Clark, so I could read.

Well, Clark is falling in love - maybe - with Rebecca. That doesn't bother me nearly as much as Lois's attraction to Lex. After all, I had expected Clark to fall for someone else, and also Rebecca seems like a perfectly nice person, unlike Lex, who is such an arch-criminal.

I'm glad that Clark is feeling a bit jealous when he sees Lois and Luthor together:

Lex Luthor and Lois Lane were waltzing to “Irene, Good Night” as Glen Miller Junior played his clarinet.

And it bothered Clark that they looked at least as good as he'd felt when he and Lois had waltzed together.

He hoped there was a way to control the link they shared. The feelings he was sensing at the moment were making him a bit – edgy.
What is so mega-depressing about this Lois's attraction to Lex is that it is so physical. In the show, Lois was never deeply affected by Lex. She was flattered and impressed by him, and she was - understandably - frustrated by her confusing attraction to both Clark and Superman. She had set her heart on winning Superman, taking some of her frustrations out on Clark, and if she couldn't have Superman, Lex could be a sort of consolation prize. The way I see it, Clark could have solved that situation by going to Lois as Superman and giving her a severe warning against Lex. She would have listened to Superman and dumped Lex, because she wasn't honestly attracted to him. And if he as Superman had actaully sat down with her and had a long, gentle talk with her, he might have made her realize that the flashy hero was just a facade, but that there was another man inside him who did want her. I think he could have gotten together with her as Clark so much sooner if he had given her that much trust and respect.

But in this case, sadly, Lois is physically attracted to Lex and she already knows that Clark is Superman. There is very little Clark can do to talk her out of seeing Luthor. frown

“My parents live in Kansas, on a farm near a little town called Smallville.”

Miller frowned in thought. “Smallville? About forty or fifty miles southeast of Wichita just off state highway eleven?”

Clark's forehead wrinkled in surprise. “Wow! You know where Smallville is?”

“Hey, a musician on the road goes through a lot of little towns. I have a knack for remembering them.” He turned to Luthor. “Lex, it's good to see you again, but I have to get the guys moving.”
This isn't really good. Miller is Lex's friend, and Miller knows where Smallville is, so he can tell Luthor where Clark's parents live. If Lex sees Clark as a rival or as a threat, which he might so easily do, he could use his friendship with Glen Miller to track Clark's parents down and use them to blackmail Clark.

Glen Miller Junior's band played at the other end. Everybody liked it, and Lois got to dance with Mr. Luthor. It was like they'd practiced for days! Even Clark thought they were good, and he's got high standards. I don't think he likes Lois hanging around with Mr. Luthor, though. I don't think Clark likes him, and I don't know why. As far as I know, Mr. Luthor has done nothing but good things for all the people in Metropolis.

But Clark's a reporter. Maybe he knows something I don't.
Interesting. Rebecca has noticed that Clark doesn't like Luthor. And because she works for Luthor herself, she seems to realize that it would be interesting to know what Clark has against Luthor. Maybe it's something that she ought to know about, too?

She poked him in the ribs. “Hey! Speaking of journalistic objectivity, what about Rebecca? You two spent a lot of time together tonight. Why didn't you escort her home?”

He shrugged. “Same reason, I guess. But she did tell me to ask her again some time.”

She bumped him with her hip. “Ooh, next time!” In a childish voice, she sang, “Clarkie's got a girlfriend, Clarkie's got a girlfriend!”

“Lo-is! Come on! I don't know her that well!”

She looked closer as they passed under a streetlight. “Clark?” she cried. “Are you blushing?”

“Come on, Lois, I – “

“Oh! You are! You're actually blushing!”

He pulled her to a stop. “Okay, you've had your fun. Let's talk about something else, okay?”

She started to say something else, then stopped and withdrew slightly. At a much lower volume, she said, “I'm really sorry, Clark. I – I kind of forgot for a minute. I apologize.”

Then he felt it. She was well and truly sorry, and it came through the link they shared. His irritation with her evaporated almost immediately and he smiled. “It's okay, Lois, I know you didn't mean anything by it.”

“Okay. As long as we're cool.”

He started forward again. “We're cool.”

She exhaled. “Good. I want us to stay friends.”

“Not a problem.”
Very interesting. Lois and Clark understand each other so well, and they like each other so much. They value their friendship so highly. Of course, they are not attracted to one another, or if they are, they haven't realized it yet.

“Yeah. Did you know that I can feel you? In my mind, I mean?”

She stopped. “Really? You too?”

He wrinkled his forehead. “What do you mean, me too?”

“I can feel you. I can sense your emotions, whether you're under stress or if you're relaxed, if you're sad or excited, and if you're concerned or confident.”
They told each other about the link! That's very good.

“Do you have any kind of telepathic abilities? Can you read minds? Can you sense anyone else's emotions?”

He shook his head. “No. I've never felt this before with anyone.”

“Not even with Lana?”

The question struck him dumb and he only stared open-mouthed. He'd never even considered that aspect of the link. Lois looked closer and narrowed her eyes at im. “No,” she breathed softly, “you didn't. She never knew you like this.”

He found his voice. “We – she didn't. We didn't. Not – not ever. I had no idea this was even possible.”
This is great. Clark realizes that he has something with Lois that he never had with Lana. And Lois understands it, too.

“Do you have any kind of telepathic abilities? Can you read minds? Can you sense anyone else's emotions?”

He shook his head. “No. I've never felt this before with anyone.”

“Not even with Lana?”

The question struck him dumb and he only stared open-mouthed. He'd never even considered that aspect of the link. Lois looked closer and narrowed her eyes at im. “No,” she breathed softly, “you didn't. She never knew you like this.”

He found his voice. “We – she didn't. We didn't. Not – not ever. I had no idea this was even possible.”
But Lois isn't altogether thrilled.

He put his hands on her arms. “Hey, take it easy. I don't know any of those answers. I can find out, though.”

“How? Tell me how!” She sounded a little frantic.

“Do you have any plans for Saturday?” She shook her head. “Then let me make a phone call in the morning. I think we can figure this out, but it'll mean making a trip to Kansas.”

“Kansas?” Lois's mouth dropped open. “You mean there are farmers who can tell you about this?”

He grinned. “No, but Bob can.”

“Bob? Who's Bob, the local water witch?”

“Don't worry, you'll have a ball when you meet him.”
Well, it's kind of obvious that "Bob" has to be Clark's Kryptonian globe. But I have to wonder why Clark couldn't tell Lois what "Bob" was. Is it his near-pathological need for privacy that makes him hang on to this secret for as long as possible, even though he really is going to tell Lois about it next Saturday?

But Clark has to take special precautions so that Jonathan won't meet Lois when she comes to the Kent farm, because Jonathan dislikes Lois so much. frown

“Hi, Lois. It's Clark.”

“Clark!” She sounded almost frightened. “I – I was expecting your call.”

“Sounds like it. How about I pick you up at a quarter to one today? My mother's expecting us for lunch.”

He could hear her pacing. “Lunch? Do you think that's a good idea?”
Lois is unnecessarily frightened. If Clark hadn't been so secretive, he could have put her more at ease. razz

The sound of her pacing intensified. “I don't know about this! I mean, what will your parents think of me? Surely they know about Lana and me and that I got off the boat and she didn't and won't they – “ she stopped and her voice shrank to little-girl level “ – don't they hate me?”

Clark frowned. He had to get her to Bob and find out what to do with their link. He could feel her tension leaking through the knot she was trying to tie around her end of the connection. “I promise, Lois, everything will be fine. My dad won't even be there today, so you'll only have to deal with my mother. And she doesn't blame you for anything, honest.”
Again, I don't much like Clark here. Why couldn't he sit down with her and try to explain things better to her? He really isn't showing her very much respect.

Martha took the time to evaluate the young woman. Medium height, short dark brown hair, slender but not unhealthy, very pretty but at the moment she was frowning in either concentration or anticipation. She wore jeans, running shoes, a long-sleeved casual shirt, and a denim jacket, all new and clean. She walked with athletic confidence across the lawn.

This could only be Lois Lane. She strode beside Clark without touching him, close enough to be comfortable but not close enough to be possessive.
I like Martha's observation of Lois. I particularly like how she notices that she and Clark are walking close enough to be comfortable, but not close enough to be possessive. That sounds like a very good kind of relationship.

“Oh, Martha, let me get it. You've been waiting on us since we got here.”

“No, Lois, you sit right down there and enjoy this. I only wait on people the first time they come to visit. After that, you're counted as family and you have to fend for yourself.”

Lois chuckled and relaxed. “Okay, if you say so. I could stand another glass of tea.”

“Coming up. Clark, if you want some more milk, you know where the refrigerator is.”

Clark turned to Lois and sighed. “See? She wasn't kidding.”

Lois nodded to him. “I'll be sure to remember that, farm boy.”
I like their conversation.

Martha smiled to herself as she listened to the byplay between Clark and Lois. It was the kind of verbal sparring two good friends would engage in, and it warmed her heart to see that both of them had apparently put the tragedy with Lana in their pasts. As much as Martha missed Lana, she knew that the girl would eventually fade in her memory as the pain of her loss also faded, leaving warm and misty memories of good times and laughter and love.

And it appeared that Clark was coming to grips with his new life as a single man, something that Lois apparently was at least partly responsible for. That one fact would have made Martha appreciate Lois, even if she hadn't turned out to be a level-headed and fairly mature young lady.
Martha does, too. And she likes Lois.

“I see.” Lois put her glass down. “Speaking of surprises, did Clark bother to tell you why he brought me all the way to Smallville?”

“Not specifically. All he said was that the two of you had a question you had to ask Bob.”

“I see. So you don't know about – “ she let her statement hang in the air.

Martha waited for a long moment, and when Lois didn't continue, she said, “No. I don't know anything about whatever it is that you thought I already knew about. I assume that if Clark wants me to know, he'll tell me.”

“I see.” Lois began playing with her half-empty glass. “What did Bob say about it?”


“What did Bob say? Where is he, anyway?”

It was Martha's turn to look surprised. She almost asked Lois what she knew about Bob, but then she thought it through and realized that Lois knew nothing about Bob's true nature. She turned to her son and accused, “You didn't tell her, did you?”

He had the grace to look sheepish. “I wasn't sure she'd come if she knew.”
I really dislike Clark here. He wasn't sure that Lois would come if she knew about Bob, so it was better to keep her in the dark. Right, Clark, it's always better to keep Lois in the dark.

“Ah. Yes. And you think Bob can tell you what you need to know.”

Lois shrugged. “Clark does. I'm willing to play along for now.”

Martha sat back and crossed her arms. “You have to tell her, Clark.”

Lois almost slapped the table, but controlled herself at the last minute. “Tell me what? I can feel how upset you are, Clark.
Clark is upset because Martha demands that he tell Lois. razz

Clark sputtered. “N-no! Bob isn't – maybe I should just show you.”

“That would work.” She turned to Clark's mother. “Martha, are you coming?”

“No, thanks. I've already seen Bob.”

Lois hesitated. “Look, I probably shouldn't be nervous about this, but I'd really like another woman's company there.”
Lois is so frightened that she needs Martha to come with them. Because Clark sure isn't any help.

A low hum of machinery filled her ears, and the floor opened up in front of her. Lights flickered on below and a wooden staircase came into focus below.

She looked at Clark. “I take it we're going down there?”


She took a deep breath. “Then let's get going.” He inclined his head at her, but she shook her head "no' and said, “Uh-uh. You first this time.”
Figures. He was going to make Lois go down there first, even though she has no idea of what she is going to meet, and she is frightened about it.

As you can tell, Terry, I got so extremely irritated with Clark here. But I guess he was scared of what Lois's reaction would be, when he showed her his spaceship. Maybe she would react badly somehow. And unfortunately, this time Clark has reason to be scared that Lois might tell Lex about him. She wouldn't have done so in the show, but here, where she is so attracted to him, she might trust him more. frown

Anyway, I have to say that the situation with the link is interesting. I hope that Bob will tell Lois that she is Clark's one true mate. That might well make her furious or upset, because she might dislike the suggestion that her mate has already been chosen for her, and then she might be even more willing to pursue her relationship with Lex. And Clark will respond by seeing Rebecca, of course.

But the link won't go away. And if it does, I bet that both of them will miss it very badly, the way you might miss a part of your body that has been amputated. And because of the link, I guess Lois and Clark will eventually choose each other.
