Yay! Feedback!!

gr8shadesofElvis: Yes the physical description was special for you. I hope you enjoyed it! A physical decription of Jon is coming too.
You're not the only one with writer's block here, Beth. I hate leaving fdk when I have nothing better to say than that I enjoyed your latest installment - usually I wouldn't bother - but I like to support you cos I really enjoy this story. Keep it coming.
Awww! Thanks for that! I do like hearing that people are reading the story even if there isn't a lot of specifics in the FDK. It lets me know that people are still reading!

Michael, I refuse to comment any further on what Kaylie's job is because I know that I'll end up giving away something and I want it to be a secret until Jon finds out. But I think it's safe to say that she is anything but a cocktail waitress!

ooh, they are moving along a lot quicker than lois and clark ever did.
Yes they are Em, but that doesn't mean that everything will turn out fine! They've had to admit their feelings to each other earlier than LnC ever did because they don't have the luxury of worknig together, but thay still have problems to work out! There will be plenty of WAFF and angst to come!

Thanks Lisa and Laura for your comments! It good to know I still have you interested.

As for PJ and Sira:
I get the idea that Jon's not gonna be too happy that Kaylie's been lying to him.
looks like Jon won't take lightly to finding out she's been keeping a secret from him.
Based on what we see of Jon's character, he doesn't take too kindly to being kept in the dark...


On a complete side-note, can you imagine what would happen if Superman pulled the "I have a secret identity, but I can't tell you about it" on Lois?
It works for Jon and Kaylie, but I just see Lois either blowing a gasket or falling off a cliff trying to figure out the secret. More votes to the cliff reaction.
I think the reason why Kaylie's so patient with this is that she understands the importance of a secret of this magnitude. From what we've seen of her second job, she's used to playing things close to the vest and keeping things hidden at all costs. Therefore she is willing to wait until Jon is ready to tell her the truth. (PS: I also vote for the cliff reaction!)

Thanks again for the FDK everyone!