I've just gotten caught up on this, Nan, and I just had to tell you how wonderful I think it is. I keep falling in love with Lois and Clark all over again as I read these sweet, smart, and slightly heartbreaking adolescent versions of the characters. I ache for the huge responsibilities this young couple is taking on, but at the same time, I don't doubt that they can manage.

I have to tell you, I got goosebumps when I read this line:

"Of course I'm sure," he said, squeezing her hands. "I'm talking to the woman who taught me to fly."
hail Oh, I love that so much!

And I was prepared to hate Sam Lane when it seemed that he'd just knowingly abandoned his girls to an alcoholic mother:

Sam Lane gave a faint exasperated sigh. "What now? Did the local bar raise its prices?"
But he redeemed himself somewhat, and I'm hoping he'll step up and take some responsibility from here on out now that he knows how bad it is. Because no matter how much Lois thinks she can handle Lucy, she shouldn't have to - and especially not with everything else she has on her plate right now.

I adored the tenderness of this most recent part, and that just after their wedding night they learned together another piece of Clark's history. And now they can't even enjoy a little wedded bliss, because already Ellen is giving them more trouble. Grrr! This is one of the least likable versions of her character I've ever seen! Fingers crossed that they can get her into rehab...

Thanks for such a lovely story! I'll be looking forward to the next part smile .
