There are two FDK threads going on for this part, so I'm going to post a reply for both of them on this thread which is the most recent one.

Woody, you wrote:

I love the season 1 like banter going back and forth.
and gr8shadesofElvis wrote:
They're so cute together - very reminiscent of LnC.
Thanks! I wanted it to feel like LnC, but with my own twists. Although the banter and a lot of the characterizations are similar, Jon and Kaylie have their own set of obstacles to overcome.

And Michael:

Don't worry, he has a genetic resistance and insensitivity training regarding babbel.
Ha ha! That made me chuckle.


Chocolate and flowers are so last season!
Ah yes... Who needs choclate and flowers when you've got a nice shiny rock and a chemistry set? wink

As for if/when Kaylie will see Jon dressed normally...

I refuse to comment because then I'll be tempted to give too much away and spoil the surprise.

I'm so glad you guys are enjoying this fic! Thanks for all the positive FDK, it's always a good motivator to go write more!!