Thanks for the feedback, FoLCs! (I was recently reminded that this capitalization is probably the most correct way to write "Friends of Lois and Clark," although there's nothing that requires anyone to do so.)

Ann, I find it interesting that you think my stories have a "high specific weight." If I recall my high school science courses correctly (it's been a while) and if I understand the comparison properly, that means that my stories are densely packed with content. Thank you! And I understand about needing to digest my material. This is the most involved piece I've ever attempted, and there have been times when I've gotten lost and had to go back over what my characters had done when when they'd done it. And I'm sure you'd never guess this, but I am a very detail-oriented person.

I agree that Friskin took a huge risk here, but let's remember that therapists are human beings too, and the opportunity to actually meet Superman in person and have it verified that he has a civilian identity was too much for her to resist. On top of that, the emotional pressure on Lois was pushing her near the breaking point. She needed to know one way or the other if Clark understood and forgave her or really hated her down deep inside. Lois desperately needed that release. Sometimes it's the not knowing that's worse than the knowing.

I'm sorry you went through what you went through at those services, Ann. I would argue the point that you were too sinful to be forgiven (not with you, of course, but with whatever moron made you believe that). And I agree that confessing one's faults - which is encouraged in the Christian faith - is not supposed to be done in front of the entire congregation, but in private. But please don't lump Dr. Friskin in with those folks. She's only doing what she thinks is best for two of her patients, even though it's possible that she might make a mistake.

Maybe I've touched a nerve by making Dr. Friskin so assertive in this chapter. I hope I balance her out for y'all in the upcoming portions. Alcyone, I'll try not to freak you out with her next time you see her.

And Maria, you're never too late to post feedback! It's better than Mountain Dew for boosting my spirits. And your point that Clark doesn't need to know about Lois's promise to Lana at this point is very insightful. Thank you.

Next chapter up soon!

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing