Wow! I really wasn't expecting such an overwhelming response to this – and certainly not all those tears! (Really, I swear!) As evil as it sounds, I'm glad I made y'all cry. devil It means I did my job right. laugh I'll find out tomorrow what my class thought of the story – and I'll let you guys know what they said. wink

Dedecasale – thank you for pointing out the bunny metaphor! I'm quite proud of it myself. *g* And thank you for the kind comments about my first attempt at first person pov and present tense. That means a lot! smile

Jojo and Sas – Sorry for making you cry at work! *tries not to snicker* wink Glad you enjoyed, though!

I wish I could respond to everyone else individually, but I just don't have that many tissues (or band-aids in Terry's case laugh )! wink Thank you all SO much!! All this great feedback has really made my week and made me a heck of a lot less anxious about my workshop. smile

As for such an early walking, talking baby... I did do a tiny bit of research on that, so it's all technically possible. *g* Though I suspect that'll be the first thing brought up in workshop – something I may have to think about editing... for the non-L&C version, that is. wink


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