Saskia, I never thought I would see the day when I'd actually like Ellen Lane. Could she really see who Lois really wants to be with--as in Clark?
"Yeah, go on. Looks like he needs a friend."

Ellen kept looking at him. He nearly felt like she was hinting at him.

"Thanks. I'll call you tomorrow!"

"Yeah, whatever." Ellen turned to leave the bar as Lois came to stand in front of Clark again.
Yeah, Ellen is up to something. Did she see Clark there? Is that why she suggested a drink--to get Lois to see Clark--in more ways than one?
"Can't we go to your place?"

"Why? You'd be much more comfortable in your own bed."

"But I don't wanna be alone tonight."

"Is that why you went out drinking tonight?"

"Ehm... I think so."

"What if I stay with you?"

"Isss not the same. I don't wanna go home. Can I spend the night with you?"
Wait until Lois finds out that Clark was faking it! Ooh, she's gonna be mad. But he's working it to his advantage.
"You said you were gonna go out with Scardino tonight."

Had she? She couldn't remember having said so, not even to make him jealous. He must have misunderstood her.

"No, Clark. I said I was going out to dinner tonight. And I did, with my mother. You just took it to mean I was going out with Dan again."

Ah, so he was jealous, she figured. Quite possibly he did still care about her, then. The thought soothed her. She cared about him a great deal, and she was willing to give him another chance if he would just fight for her. Maybe they could talk about that in the morning...

"Oh," came his reply. He turned his head to look at her and gave her an odd stare. Her partner was getting more and more influenced by the alcohol. Stumbling, slurring slightly and now looking glassy.

"Do you like Scardino?" he suddenly asked her bluntly.

What should she say to that? Now wasn't really the time to have such a conversation. He simply wouldn't remember this in the morning, so what would be the point?

Actually, that was the point. She could speak her mind, and he wouldn't remember. Put like that, it didn't sound so bad at all.

"No, Clark. I don't like him in the way you mean. He's like a friend."

"Then why did you go out with him?"

A giggle escaped her. She couldn't help it. He was just endearing like this.

"To make you jealous."
He blinked before replying. "Why?"

"Oh, Clark. Do you really have to ask?"

He merely nodded, still looking at her with that odd glance.

"Because you're the one that I want.
So, use the "drunk" excuse to get information. Why don't Clark just go get some kryptonite and kill himself because the wrath of Lois is going to be so much worse.
"You don't have to say anything now, Clark. I know you won't remember this conversation in the morning, so what's the point of explaining it?
Clark had better hope that Lois doesn't remember this in the morning!

Very well done!


I'm a firm believer in the fact that God doesn't put any more on us than we can bear. He does however make us come to Jesus every so often.