So I was thinking I see it we don't know Claude's a creep, really. We know what Lois thinks of him, but that's different from him being a creep outright (I mean he could be, I just don't think we know enough to judge yet). Lois herself doesn't present the nicest image ever when she relates to people, expecially without really knowing them (I mean hasn't she herself done some stalking?).

It could just be that he may begin to like her and she might find herself really appreciating the attention (which only says she's lonely and going through a hard time) and in liking her maybe he begins painting a more sympathetic picture. Perhaps it might not be sordid (Ann's comment led me to think I overspoke), but simply be a relationship that was at the incorrect time (given Lois' state) and in the end it might not work out for a variety of reasons that might not have a thing to do with him being a creep.

Or he could be a jerk for real after all. And maybe she might not even give him the time of day.

So there's still many possibilities on the table and I trust Terry to show us one which really gets to the core of these characters.


One loses so many laughs by not laughing at oneself - Sara Jeannette Duncan