I think you're really gifted with dialogue. smile The meeting was really poignant, I really like how you're taking us through Lois' path to dealing with the consequences of death. The realism of it is hardhitting and I always like characterizations which demonstrate Lois' inner strength and her ability to work through difficult moments.

The comments on Claude make me think this will veer into a non-canon direction. At least I know she won't be naive if they do get into some sort of sordid relationship. Yikes, just tiping it out gives me the chills. The potential for nastiness is still there only that the consequences might be startlingly different, but maybe I'm just taking this too far. I tend to do that *sigh*. Looks at title...forty one chapters...that's going to be a lot of rambling on my part.

Oh last but not least. I like your Nigel. Creepy, intimidating, but not a caricature. I cannot wait for your Luthor!


One loses so many laughs by not laughing at oneself - Sara Jeannette Duncan