Wow. Great feedback already! Thanks, FOLCs.

Hasini, thanks for the "OOGA-SHAKA-LAKA" dance. Wish I could see it live and in person. Hope you like the rest as much as you seem to like this part.

Patrick, if I posted it that quickly, I'd get dizzy! Don't worry, I'm aiming for twice a week, but I don't know for certain which days yet.

Angie, thanks! I hope you like it too.

Ann, what can I say? Thank you for giving this one a shot. I hope you can stay with it. And partly because you've commented in the past that I tend to write Clark as a "closed book," which upon reflection is a true statement, I've made a major effort to show more of Clark's mind as we move through this story. I hope it does the trick.

Oh, Hasini, thanks for the sig show-off! I'm very honored.

Maria, you're right, Lois is near the breaking point. I will spill a few beans and let you know that she doesn't have a mental breakdown any time soon. But I can't make any hard promises. We authors must maintain some mystery, after all.

Alcyone, thanks! I did make Lois's conversation with Dr. Friskin dialogue only for the impact value. It would be impossible to write an entire novel with only dialogue (and if someone did, I seriously doubt any publisher would commit it to paper), but that tool can work in small doses. I tried to use it in all the Friskin scenes, but I couldn't. There is, however, not much description in any of Lois's scenes with her. You'll have to tell me if it works for you.

Next chapter will be up by Monday evening US time, if not before. Thanks again!

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing