Oh, I really liked this beginning. Lois' relationship with Claude intrigues me in just how it seems so beserk. Just thinking about canon, I'm wondering if they'll get together somehow (I'm thinking they will, but am open to any and all surprises smile ). And if so, how they get from point a to point b. It'll be interesting for how Lois develops through that. Forty one parts promises one heck of a ride. *rubs hands gleefully*.

In any case, I felt this part provided a good set up and the visit to the Dr. was particularly effective. Although, speaking of that part, I could have used more description with the dialogue. It felt a little disembodied (which might have been your intent all along, since the narrative style marks a shift from the more conventional first and third breaks). It remindd me of someone telling me that in the professional world (of fiction writing) dialogue itself is supposed to convey tone, gesture, etc.

But be what may, I felt that the dialogue itself was very effective. I'm wondering if its a one-time thing to bring us up to speed with Lois after the events of the first fic or if it will be a recurring device to hammer out some of the trickier parts of her psychology. Interesting in any case.

Anyway I'm reading and looking forward to the next part!


One loses so many laughs by not laughing at oneself - Sara Jeannette Duncan