Laura I am so sorry that it took me so long to finish my fdk on this story (and that I missed leaving fdk on a couple of parts).

This story had such a fun, fresh and different take on how they met and fell in love and I really enjoyed it.

Her whole "wanting to faint thing" when Clark told her, was hilarious! As was her indignance at his x-ray capabilities. Hee hee.

I loved the pranks they played on Claude - too funny!

And probably my very favorite part of this epilogue was this:

“You had better hope you’re not lying, Mr. Malfois. If you didn’t remember, I can always tell when someone is lying by their heartbeat.”

Clark’s hearing picked up a nearly inaudible “tell me about it,” from Lois and he had to fight to keep the smile off his face.
I LOVE that "tell me about it" from Lois. Sheesh! Could you imagine? Someone that could detect the slightest change in your heartbeat? Or the pupils of your eyes? You'd never get away with a fib! LOLS!

Anyway, thanks for a fun ride, Laura. I really enjoyed it and I just had to tell you.

-- DJ

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.