Laura! I was so glad that you posted but hate to see this wonderful story come to an end!
Two weeks later, Lois Lane had her dream job at the Daily Planet.
What? I wanted to know what Perry thought about Claude publishing Lois's story. DId he know?
Unfortunately her fabulous, flying boyfriend was also unemployed. Clark had been set to resign despite the story, but before he could even hand in the papers, he had been fired. When he had talked to the principal, Doug Scott had been apologetic but unrelenting. Scott knew that nothing untoward had gone on, but the facts were there and his hands were tied, he had said. As much as Clark wanted to argue, he knew he couldn’t. Because in his heart of hearts, he knew Lois had stolen his almost from the beginning.
Though nothing happened, why did they fire Clark?
Clark, upon hearing the news had been delighted and angry that Lois had risked her dream job with some silly stipulation about him.
There Clark goes, putting Lois before himself again.
When Lois had expressed her disbelief, Perry had waved it off, saying that they were out one news reporter and that he knew she had potential. Too shocked to think clearly, Lois found herself arguing against Perry before she clammed up as reason smacked her in the face. Finally, all the while thinking Perry White was a little unwell in the head, Lois accepted, but on the condition that he consider Clark as a candidate as well. Perry had balked at the suggestion, but after a few minutes of a full blast of Lois Lane charm, Perry had caved and agreed to look at a piece of Clark’s writing.
But upon hearing the news, he sat down by his ancient computer and called up a Microsoft Word document. He had been the editor of his college paper and had minored in journalism, but he had always thought his true calling was teaching. Now, the prospect of paying the rent with his words alone loomed large, terrifying, and exhilaratingly in front of him. He wrote for hours, only moving to replenish the cream soda by his keyboard. Finally, when Lois returned from work that day, he hemmed and hawed for one nervous moment before Lois simply moved past him and pulled up the document to read herself.
Now, Clark gets to tell the world his story and get them to understand that he is not the "indecent teacher" that they probably thought he was.
But now Lexy Hartness was awaiting trial and the drugs had been all but cleaned out of Metropolis High. Beth Warner’s parents had the sort of closure they had all but given up hoping for and Lois had her sexy English teacher.
“I haven’t taught at a high school and learned nothing these past years,” Clark had breathed into her ear. “Prepare yourself; this is going to be very, very childish.”

And with that, his eyes glowed red. Lois watched in fascination, but Clark shook his head slightly and motioned for her to watch Claude. He was looking at Claude’s feet. Claude started fidgeting and then a moment later he hopped a little. Lois swerved her head to Clark and then back again. Now Claude was outright howling, clutching his feet and hopping wildly on the sidewalk. The girl he was with fled while the other people on the sidewalk gave him a wide berth.
Loved it! Claude has no idea what...burned him! I can't imagine Superman being so...devilish. rotflol I guess, too, that Clark has had to hide his powers for s long and to do little...devilish this is just a way of freely trying out his powers, sort of kid like.
“Ms. Lane!” Claude had said, reaching to kiss her hand. “It’s been far too long.”

A long dormant anger stirred in Lois, but she calmed enough to look him in the eye. “Hello Claude.”

“I seem to remember you as a green reporter, but look! Here you are at the Planet,” Claude’s eyes flicked over to the stand. “It was a fine paper in its day.”
Why does Claude try so hard to belittle Lois. He is a creep! I guess that's what keeps him feeling good about himself.
Claude nodded, but Clark gave Lois a wink and turned his face into a frightening mask of anger. “You had better hope you’re not lying, Mr. Malfois. If you didn’t remember, I can always tell when someone is lying by their heartbeat.”

Clark’s hearing picked up a nearly inaudible “tell me about it,” from Lois and he had to fight to keep the smile off his face.
I love how Lois and Clark (Superman) form an alliance and conquer Claude...and the world. This Superman and this Lois (who has not been sexually taken advantage of) are different. Superman has a kid-like side to him and Lois eggs him on. I like it.
Letting loose a howl of laughter now that Claude had left, Lois grabbed him and rested her forehead against his spandex clad forearm. “You, my husband,” she said very softly, “are hysterical.”

“That felt good,” Clark sighed and looked around at the nearly empty street. “That creep deserved more than the mild jokes we played on him all those years ago.”

“I love you, Superman. But don’t tell my husband.” she said very quietly.

“I love you, Lois Lane, student from Metropolis High,” he grinned at her. “But don’t tell my wife.”
<Happy sigh> Finally, they are happy...together... A relationship unlike the one that Clark had with Lana. I believe that this time, he is really in love, and it is different.

This was fabulous, Laura! Thanks for everything you put into it!


I'm a firm believer in the fact that God doesn't put any more on us than we can bear. He does however make us come to Jesus every so often.