JDG! This was awesome!

I agree with what's been said about Lois. I think Ann's misunderstanding here is based on the fact that she hasn't watched many of the LnC episodes. Her Lois is based largely on other genre's - comic book Lois, movie Lois... etc...

This Lois is very unique in some ways.

Yes, she was a total beeyatch in the first season <shudders> I often wondered how they were ever going to make me "like" her. <g> I often times wondered what Clark could possibly see in her... except that she wasn't a dumb, shallow, flirtatious woman. She was worthy of being sought after. She was a challenge. Like someone pointed out - she had a duel identity of her own... a soft side that very few people had ever seen.

And because of all that... she won me over... eventually... and I rooted for her and Clark to be together.

But... ummm... getting back to your story. <g> I love that Cat figured it out - and better yet, kept it a secret!!! That was wonderfully delightful. I always thought there was a decency to CAT that was hidden - just beneath the surface.

Anyway, wonderful story! I truly enjoyed it.

More, I say. More.

Lois: Are you challenging me?
Clark: You bet your sweet little chumpy I am.