Eep! I'm all excited.

I'm supposed to be doing laundry right now, but James said he wanted me to sit by the computer so I would be available for him to IM me with questions about how we spent this or that while he reconciles the checkbook. So he told me I simply must sit down and read fanfic. (I tend to babble when I'm excited, but hopefully no one will notice.)

I have 3 girls so I totally knew what the title was about. However, I had forgotten what I had requested, so I didn't figure out that this one was for me. <Big sigh>

“You…wouldn’t?” This set things in a whole new light. He wanted to dart upstairs and treat Metropolis to a Superman acrobatics show. The only concession to this maelstrom of energy, however, was his slight fidgeting.
I love the mental picture. Inside he's doing the loop-de-loop, outside he's doing the potty dance.

When the heavy doors slid shut, Clark peeked through them with his x-ray vision.
Somehow I never thought that was possible with an elevator door, but now that you mention it I suppose he's fast enough to see what he wants to see. I like how Lois' expression changes when she thinks Clark can't see her.

“And besides, you should see how Clark mopes around something awful when he’s away from you for too long,” Martha said confidentially, aware that Clark would have cheerfully killed her if he had heard her reveal that tidbit. “He’ll be absolutely thrilled to have you close by.”
Yup. That's why I wanted Martha in my story. She tends to say things like this. clap

He tried being an ironic ghost as he hummed the first few bars to the “Ghostbusters” theme, but Tessa didn’t get the joke and demanded that he act scarier.

Perhaps if they had time, he could play Princess Ghost before bedtime…
That sounds like a fun game.

My girls have been persecuting the Christians in their play time. It had me a little bit worried until I realized they were playing "Friends and Heroes", a religious program from the other side of the pond. My favorite is when Scooby Doo persecutes the Christians. That's a real winner.

How had she gotten here? She was thousands of miles away from Metropolis! Even Lois couldn’t get lost that badly. And he had answered the door half dressed in drag!

“Shoot, I forgot I had this on. Does this make me less of a man in your eyes?”
That's Clark, all right. He rolls with the punches.

Three rounds later, Lois’s competitive side was starting to show. She landed on the space for the crown and crowed triumphantly as she snatched it from Tessa.
That's Lois, all right. I love that word, "crowed."

“Lois? Are you Clark’s girlfriend?” The seven-year-old cocked her head to the side with real curiosity.

Lois stopped in mid cheer at the question. “Umm…” she stumbled a little, shooting a look at Clark. He merely shrugged, looking at her expectantly. Lois vowed to extract her revenge on the traitor, later.

“You don’t know?” Tessa asked incredulously. “See, a girl in my class told me a boyfriend is someone you like more than any of the other boys in the whole school. Do you like Clark more than the other boys?”
What a hoot! She explains it to Lois, just in case she doesn't understand.

“Do you think he’s handsome? Like Aladdin? Clark, you kind of look like Aladdin. But you wear more clothes,” Tessa said conversationally to her sitter. “And you don’t have a secret identity.”
Best line in the story. I IMed this one to James, who was quite torn since he needed to do the bills but wanted to read this story. I told him he should delegate the story-reading to me so he could accomplish both. (Babbling again. Sorry.)

“I think boys are only supposed to have one girlfriend,” Clark said gently. “But I’ll be your best friend. Does that sound like a fair deal?”
When my oldest was six, she announced at dinner one night that Justin had decided to be her boyfriend. James, who had never met Justin, almost spewed his water across the room. I asked her if Justin had a job, and when she told me he wasnt' paid for his job, I advised her it wasn't good to date men who didn't have jobs. She decided to be his best friend instead.

“Better than that bully, Scardino?”

I love how Lois and Clark banter to get awkward but important things out in the open.

“I’d like to be your boyfriend, Lois,” Clark said softly. “I think you’re the nicest girl in the class. And if you had pigtails, I’d probably pull them all recess. I’d break my Double Fudge Crunch Bar in half and give you the bigger piece.” He lowered his voice. “And I’d like to hold your hand.”
What a perfect balance between WAFF and banter.

Laramoon pointed out that she didn’t remember Aladdin having a secret identity. I was going by the Disney version, where he dressed up as a Prince so Jasmine would notice him.
Prince Ali definately counts as a secret identity.

Such a sweet friendship story, with plenty of grins. twins I like it.
