smile I told you before, but I had a great time reading this story, this morning. I was thrilled to get the advanced screening.

But Lois was… what was she doing? Typing? Munching? Not coming over to tell him what that was all about?
I love this - it's oh so very witty. smile

“Well it’s a good thing that Lois has completely stolen your heart then, right? Nothing in that big, strong chest to break.” Martha tapped his chest to illustrate her point and Clark blushed and rolled his eyes.

“Mo-om,” he whined, the situation suspiciously similar to his junior high days.
Awww! that was just so cute!!

Clark looked good, like a princess.
...still... fighting... very... hard... against... stupid.... comments.... (you're killing me with this!!!)

“Lois? Are you Clark’s girlfriend?” The seven-year-old cocked her head to the side with real curiosity.
I was totally laughing out loud in my office this morning when I read that. I love it!

Lois smiled and looked down at her feet. “It’s okay, I didn’t mind too much. Besides, I do like you better than all the boys at school, what do you think about that?”

“Better than that bully, Scardino?”

I so, SO loved this!! It's beyond sweet and cute.

And I really like how they keep coming back with the references to school in the conversations they have later on. Just adorable!!

This one was my absolute favorite, it's just so perfect:
“I’d like to be your boyfriend, Lois,” Clark said softly. “I think you’re the nicest girl in the class. And if you had pigtails, I’d probably pull them all recess. I’d break my Double Fudge Crunch Bar in half and give you the bigger piece.” He lowered his voice. “And I’d like to hold your hand.”

Lovely story, Laura! I've enjoyed myself just as much the second time as I had the first. smile

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies