I'm a bit pressed for time, so you'll have to forgive me for making this short, but...

“Lois, I was serious,” he said.

And then he stepped back across the room and floated three feet off the ground.
Yes!!!!! Yes, yes, yes!!!!

During all my years as a "Lois and Superman" fan I have so needed him to be honest with her. And I have so rarely been able to forgive him for his lies. This... this is so courageous, and Clark is making such a commitment to Lois. I loved this, in particular:

“And… You see, I'm trusting you with this information. But it's yours to do what you wish with. If you never want to see me again,” his eyes closed briefly in pain, “I'll understand. I will not bother you again. But if you choose to… accept it… I hope you'll understand that I'm giving you my heart. This level of trust, well, let's just say it's been ingrained in me to never give it up.”
He is telling her that he is giving himself to her completely, now that he is telling her his secret. At the same time, he tells her that his secret is

yours to do what you wish with
He is trusting her completely. Oh, Lois. Please understand what he's giving to you.

Now I'm fervently hoping for a positive reaction from Lois. And then, of course, I want to see what they are going to do with themselves, with their feelings for each other, with Lexy and the Rosettes, with Clark's powers, and with their own future.

Come back soon with more, Laura!
