Thanks everyone for giving me such great feedback! As a first time writer it's really important for me to know what's working and what isn't. Your comments have really helped me to re-evaluate my understanding of the plot and characters as well, which is a huge help as I write the next chapters!

BTW, I feel that Clark here needs to be defended for leaving Lois alone so here goes:

Remember that there are more people in danger right now than just Lois. I think his parents are logically the most likely targets now that everyone knows that Clark is Superman. Lois has been a target ever since Superman flew her into the Daily Planet. The way her and Clark's relationship is perceived by the public right now, I don't think her attractiveness as a target would change because of Clark's secret being out. Also, the shooter from that night did not say anything about about hurting Lois specifically, all he talked about was the Daily Planet. That of course could indicate that the Planet is the target, and Lois was shot at because she is a prominent employee of the Planet. In that light, any other prominent employees are also at risk.

Right now, Clark doesn't know who is trying to get to him and why. He doesn't even know if the shooter was an isolated incident or if there's more to come! He's just trying to cover all his bases while coming to terms with his new circumstances

Hopefully this will help remove Clark from the "dumb move" category, and will explain some of his actions from this chapter. Perhaps this should have been fully explained in the story, but at least I have to opportunity to do so here! smile