What a terrific piece.

I love the way Lois and Clark conduct themselves, a very mature and adult approach with just a waft of the turmoil that is going on underneath. The subtly of emotion you allow each of them to show on the surface left me pondering the depth of feeling that drives them, especially Lois.

The matter of fact acceptance that each has in mutually recognising the decisions and mistakes they have both made to this point makes for a future full of promise as they look for a solution together rather than wallowing or dwelling on past hurts to the point of incapacitation.

Needless to say, it wont be all sunshine and roses and I'm sure Lois is going to do her level best to flay Clark alive more than a few times - which he probably jolly well deserves!

I'd just like to add that I love fics where Lois and/or Clark have undergone some form of separation from each other, but don't just drop the bundle and turn into veritable basket cases as a result. They are both rational and highly skilled adults who had lives before they met each other and, while they suffer a great amount of pain and anguish at the loss of the other (which I believe has a huge impact on them and I don't want to understate the level of that impact), are still capable of functioning successfully, if not as necessarily as content or happily as they would have otherwise.

Title suggestions: 'unmasking duality', 'piercing the veil (of mendacity)' or 'playing the system'

All right... all right... but apart from better sanitation and medicine and education and irrigation and public health and roads and a freshwater system and baths and public order... what have the Romans done for us?