Thank you, as ever, for the comments! smile

Jose and Nan: you'll find out in the next part whether or not they catch Luthor... but remember that the story isn't quite over yet.

Pam: you will have to make up your own mind as to whether Lois gets in trouble or not at the stakeout. And, yes, you're right about who Pagliano is.

Maria: good to see that you were laughing in all the right places. To be honest, I'm not sure where Pagliano's wife is, but I think we can safely assume that she isn't at home.

Tricia: thank you! smile (Uh, they have a plan?)

Tank: why do you think Lois would get into trouble?

Anne: thank you, thank you, thank you! Delighted to have you on board, and even more delighted by your very generous praise. smile

Merry: I'll do my best to keep Lois safe... for now.
