Erin, I love this! And like everyone else, I'm thrilled to see that you're posting a new story. smile

I'm not going to ask the same questions everyone already has, a) because everyone has already asked them wink and b) because if you don't have to answer our questions, maybe you'll be able to post part 2 now. Now. NOW. Ooops. peep

I can't wait to see where this is going to go, to find out more about this Lois (and I'm glad someone pointed out the change in editor's name - I kind of peripherally noticed it, and was going to go back to check), and to see, as Labby put it so well, if Lois's life is going to get a lot more interesting. laugh

Loved her BMW (I can definitely see her driving one), her neighbor, and the obviously pampered poodle. Something tells me this Lois may not be quite as caustic as the one we know and love, but that remains to be seen.

So, to echo everyone who has already posted, when do we get to see the next part?? wink


The world is made up of three kinds of people: those who can count, and those who can't.