Unbidden, she let out a slight moan of pleasure as a sensation of cleanliness washed through her and she suddenly felt rejuvenated.

The sudden scuffle in the shower made her remember where she was. Concerned, she turned to see her partner hopping on one foot as his hand rested on the shower wall. It seemed to her that there was a crack in the porcelain and she wondered how long it had been there and when he planned on getting it fixed.
This gave me a lot of giggles. smile

Turning back around, he seemed to take a deep breath, as though he were about to blow out the flames.

“Clark!” ... “This isn’t a birthday cake!”
Dying, I'm absolutely dying with laughter. My co-workers will be in here in a minute!

The image of Clark beating out those flames buck nekkid is now burned in my brain, too!

She gave a burst of near manic giggle
I know what she means!

I like the ending with Jimmy. Great touch.

Oh, Brucie, this story made me laugh harder than I have in days. Thank you for that.

lisa in the sky with diamonds