As Laura already said, this part is very nice.

Now where's the readjustment angst? This third portion of the trilogy is far too short to have everything just fall into place! It wouldn't be consistent with all that you've had them go through so far, not to mention too pat and way too easy.

So, I have to believe that bad things are going to happen between them, and soon. Not because I want them to happen, but because that's what would be normal and customary. Like when Lois left for a patrol and Clark told her to "Be careful," like she hadn't been Ultra Woman for the last four years. Right now she thinks it's sweet, but if he hovers around her and worries about her a lot he's going to exasperate her.

And before long he'll have to tell her some of what he went through on New Krypton, and I can't wait for him to tell Lois that Talan was such a good friend and that she helped him get past some of the hardest times he faced out there and here comes the green-eyed monster. "Just how 'good' a friend was she, Clark? And just how did she 'help' you get past those bad times?"

Yeah, the fun's still coming. And I meant it when I said that this part was nice. It is. But it isn't a resolution.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing