Thanks to all who enjoyed this little jaunt, and Wendy, glad I could be of service. I knew you'd be swamped when you came back so if this little effort helps keep the wolves away for a day or two then I've succeeded in my mission.

Since I've performed such a noble and selfless deed here I can't see why people like Pam would think that Wendy would want revenge? It boggles the mind.

But just in case, I've covered that base too. Since I've been forced to stay home much of the last week and this one due to a lack of work, I've put that time to use and have already written the next W&T challenge instalment that I would initiate. The only problem is... it's too long. It won't fit into one post, but I have plenty of time to try and fix it.

Wendy, graciously Beta reads for quite a few folks and she also has a current fic in progress, not to mention the RL she's very far behind in since her lazing about in California. Which means she's very busy. So, since it's her turn on the next challenge I know I have more than a little time before she'll be able to get around to it. But once that day does come, I'll be ready with the next one... unless I come up with a different idea before then wink .

Tank (who finds all this free time frustrating since he doesn't have the money to do anything with it, but knows that next week the working world will come crashing in on him in the form of a lot of mandatory overtime over the next eight weeks)