Wow. Thanks for all the comments! It occurred to me that this is a fandom that for the most part doesn't watch a lot of Buffy. The only way I could think of to do a crossover that would please everyone was to not write it as a crossover.

Most crossovers are terrible because they rush over everything in an effort to hurry up and get to the good part, when the heroes from two shows meet. In the process, characterization, setting,'s all thrown out the window.

This isn't a story about Buffy at all. She may or may not make an appearance later, but at this point I don't see that as a main focus for the story. This is a story about Lois, and her reactions to an unnatural situation.

By keeping the focus strongly on that, and on her reactions to her new partner, I think it'll be more palatable for most folcs than otherwise.

The Buffy fans should be ok with it too, I hope.

As for speculations by folcs like Terry and Ann...well, you may be right on the money, you might not...I'm not saying at the moment evil

But I love the articulate way you express those speculations, and I appreciate the effort it takes to write them.

As for the destroyed city angle, Marcus...I'd think that in a post-Katrina and post-9-11 world, people would have more to write about. I suppose that sometimes too much reality is just too scary.