Here's what I think has happened.

Lois was about to get killed in the Congo when her slayer strength kicked in and she didn't realize it until she'd laid waste to a bunch of guys who were trying to kill her. Now she's trying to figure out what happened, and her body is trying to adjust to the higher Slayer metabolism and energy demands she's putting on it (hence the uncontrolled hunger and long nap on the trip). I can't wait for her to get mad at Clark and take a swing at him, realizing as she connects that her new-found strength might kill a normal human, and being astounded when he barely reacts (or gets slammed into a wall with no injuries).

Very interesting crossover going, Shayne. I'm not a Buffy fan, but even I recognize the town that collapsed into the earth due to some Buffy-verse event. I always thought the name "Sunnydale" was deliberate irony, given all the darkly insane and demonic things happening there. And why didn't Lois realize that when Clark said
“I looked….there’s nothing that could have survived all that..."
he shouldn't have been able to be so certain? Is she that distracted by her situation? It's understandable, sure, but she's also a top-notch reporter. Surely she'll pick up on that slip before long.

I'm definitely going to follow this one. Keep up the great work!

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing