Excellent cliffhanger. The implied threat of a wham connected to it is what makes it work so well.

We could come back next installment (which will be posted sometime tomorrow?) to a really nasty wham that has CJ going splat on the landscape. I don't really envision that happening, but it's still possible to have a nice wham with CJ just injuring himself to the point where he can't make it back right away and it causes Lois a lot of worry.

I guess we'll all just have to wait and see what happens (maybe twenty four hours?).

I, too, like your Henderson. He fits well with the image I have of him. I was surprized at how well-behaved Lois was at the stakeout, but I guess there really wasn't much for her to do there. I can understand her frustration at not 'having enough proof' to arrest Lex.

I wonder; did you have Barbie Benton, the ex-playmate, centerfold, squeeze toy of Hugh Hefner, in mind for your Barbara Benton?

Tank (who wonders what will happen to Lois now that she is on Lex's 'to do' list but no longer has the protection of a Superman)