This story is still very beautiful and totally captivating, but it is very dark and foreboding, too.

Clark has been very, very damaged. The fact that he thinks that he did not kill Nor soon enough means that his perspective and his outlook on life has changed so much that it will be difficult for him to be Superman again. I hope that, with Lois's help, he will be able to reconnect himself with the man that he used to be, even though he can never be that same man again.

It will undoubtedly be shocking and saddening for Lois to meet this new, changed Clark. But I still think that ultimately, her love for him survives. When all is said and done, it is going to be better for her to have him back than not to have him at all. They have a long journey ahead of them, but I do believe it will be a journey where love triumphs in the end.

I also want to see more of Enza, Lok Sim and Thia, because I have grown extremely fond of them.

Talan, too, is a very moving character. I wish her well, and I want to see what is going to happen to her after Clark is gone. Surely she is not going to accompany Clark to the Earth?

I'm very glad to see that you are back to writing your story, and I look forward to more of it.
