"How many..." he started to reply when the quiet of the woods was shattered by two things. The first was the slam of the door to the house. And the second was the unmistakable opening notes of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony.
Attention! We are interrupting the Waff Blanket to bring you a necessary plot announcement.

"I'm Lois Lane," she said confidently. "Tell Lex his fiancee is here to see him."
Okay, this could easily be a genius idea or just her worst plan ever...let's see which one happens!

Lois came through the door, his name on her lips, just as Nigel pulled the trigger. Clark caught a glimpse of the horrified expression on her face as he spun around. He tipped over the railing and dropped into the ravine below.
Uh, definitely her worst plan ever. Good thing he's an alien... Oooh, do you know how morbid that could have been if Clark was close enough for an accidental Kryptonite exposure?

If only she could have last night back. She would have stayed in his arms all night.
Talk about your crowning sad and utterly depressing line of the night! whinging That's so Fray.

I would have stayed up with you all night, had I known how to save a life...

"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy