Just dropped in for a quick one on my way back to the road, but I couldn't leave this story alone. I read all the posts in order in one sitting, and they're marvelous. ML, you have once again presented us with an imaginative, well-written, well-crafted story, where all the characters act like they're supposed to act, and where the ending is both reasonable and emotionally satisfying.

Your idea that Kryptonian males have a fertility cycle is so very innovative, so much so that I wish I'd thought of it first. I applaud your brilliance. hyper

Great job! This is going on my 2007 Kerth noms list before I forget about it. My only problem is which category to place it in.

Maybe I'll put it in more than one. You okay with that?

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing