I love this part! We finally get to see Lane and Kent putting their heads together to try and solve this latest bizarre kidnapping attempt, instead of being jerked all around their personal timeline. Then again, given that the only repercussions we have seen so far have been little time quakes and a single change of paint color, I have a feeling that our intrepid reporters haven't encountered their real challenge yet.

Lois and Clark so far have always jumped before we can see what the cumulative effects of their history rewrites. I'm really curious to see some of the immediate aftermath. Then again, they keep changing so many things in so many places, that immediate aftermath might be constantly changing anyway.

I keep waiting for the changes Lois and Clark are making to catch up with them. If these time quakes are rippling all the way forward to Utopia, why aren't Lois and Clark yet affected by these changes? At what point will "Married Clark" remember saving Mayson? Is he going to remember saving Mayson? Or are they like the Utopian councilors whose memories don't appear to be affected by the time changes?

“Clark, what are you doing with that... that... girl?” Lois heard Lana hiss. “How do you even know her?”

“First, I already told you, she’s someone I met from Metropolis. And second... aren’t you the one who told me a couple of weeks ago when Bobby ‘Oh, He’s So Delicious’ asked you to go to the ball game that we aren’t exclusive?”

Lois tried, quite unsuccessfully, to fight back a snort of laughter. She knew she’d failed when Lana shot her a look that could easily kill.

“But you’re here with me,” Lana whined, lowering her voice and turning both her and Clark slightly away from Lois.

“Look, I didn’t plan to run into her,” Clark said, not following Lana’s lead of keeping his voice down. “But now that I have, I’m going to spend some time talking to her. Go back to the campfire, Lana. I’ll see you later.”
Love this! Way to put her in her place! It's refreshing to see Clark refuse to try to placate Lana.

It would be hard enough knowing those things they needed to know to minimize any damage done to the past.

Although, what exactly they could do, none of them had any idea.
Well, if they’re really worried about it, they should send in H.G. Wells. It’s not like he doesn’t have experience with such delicate matters. blush

Maybe someone should start flipping some coins to see if they can save Utopia. laugh