First, let me put to rest the idea that the Home series is over. It isn't, and I have no intention of ending it any time soon. When people stop being interested in it, then I'll know the time is ripe to bring it to an end.

Gosh, Tank, that's quite a compliment. I'm stunned!

I have other stories to write -- let's say I'm recovering from a long enforced dry spell, and the ideas are coming fast and furiously. I've promised James and a couple of others another from my original series, but that won't stop me from writing LnC. The story in question is already written. It's simply in need of some revision, so it doesn't take up a lot of time.

As soon as I pick a story from a number of partials on my hard drive, and finish roughing out the plot, I'll be back with another fanfic.


Earth is the insane asylum for the universe.