Hello everyone! Whew, RL has been tough the last few days. I'm so glad everyone enjoyed this part!

Hi Lara! (Yes know all about that RL. <g>)

Hah! I love all your theories, one of them is correct...

You're welcome for the dreamy smile. Glad you enjoyed her regaining her memories. And I'm just giggling that the proposal we wrote is a close 2nd for you to the one on the show - yippee. <g>

No. All along Lois had tried to be very careful how she worded things so that she didn't give away that CK = Supes Back in a very early chapter she actually started to write CK = Supes and then erased it, realizing that could be dangerous to have written down. However, that being said, someone who isn't galactically stupid <g> might have been able to figure things out. Better safe than sorry.

LOL at your suspicion of your co-workers... but yes, they probably no nothing of Nirvana... kind of like Mindy Church *ahem* thought it was a rock band. <snort>

<sigh> Poor Dan... maybe you'll feel a little sorry for him before this is all over... <eg> Thanks for the fdk, Lara!!!

Hi Laura! Thanks for the fdk! Yes, we are almost there. Hold on tight, it's gonna be a bumpy ride.

Hi Pam! <me pats> Sorry about the headache. Hope you are feeling better. <g> Thanks for the fdk! "Clark Kent will save the day" -- we all hope so. <g> Since Sue is on a camping trip and needs to look at it one last time, it probably won't be posted before next Tues/Wed per our normal schedule <DJ ducks and runs>

Ann! I just always about faint when you tell me my a-plotting is good (it's such a compliment seeing that you prefer b-plots to a-plots). Glad you enjoyed the rollercoaster so far - buckle in, it's gonna get bumpy.

Heh - Sue and I are evil... but there are limits to our evilness. <g> I don't know if we've found them yet <snort> but there are limits.

Mmmm, thank you for all that chocolate <brrrp> But now I have to go run a couple of extra miles on my treadmill tonight. <g>

Thanks so much for the fdk Ann! <hugs>

Hi BJ! Yes, more "revelations" <g> Hope MKULTRA made more sense after the little note I posted. <whoops> Thank you for the fdk and we'll be back soon!

Hi Babsi! That's okay, thanks for taking the time just to say that you're still reading and enjoying. Thanks!

Hi Jackie! Thanks for the fdk. I'm glad you enjoyed her getting her memories. <g>

Hi Carol! LOL... how about by next Wednesday? Thanks for commenting.

HI LauraS! Poor Laura <me pats> the next part will be soon... uh... just a week... that's not that far, is it? Yes, it would be really really awful and terrible if they didn't save her. I'm glad you think Knox is creepy. He struck me in Whine, Whine, Whine as being a pretty stone-cold hard-hearted individual - glad we are portraying him well. Thanks for the fdk!

Hi Symbolic! Thanks for the fdk. Glad you enjoyed this part.

Hi James! Thank you!

Hi Jojo! <giggles> Yes, what you had been waiting for... for the last, um, 20 parts? <snort> For Lois to regain her memory. smile Ooooh, yay, tears! <shakes her head at herself>

Yes, we are totally doing this just to f...err... mess with you. <g> And there is more to come <eeep!>

<pat, pat> Yes, we did it. But if you've ever done research on electroshock therapy... well, it's not likely Lois is dead from it... but of course she has been taking Nirvana... so who knows how it interacted with that... hmmmm....

Yippee! So glad you're on the edge of your seat. Thanks for the fdk Jojo!

Thank you so much everyone! The comments are wonderful!

-- DJ

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.