Ooo! New ML story! Cool!

You know, this kind of reminds me of one of my all-time favorite fics: CC Aiken's In A Better Place. That is, it started with thinking about a minor point of (dis)continuity, and it involves HG Wells and L&C being mysteriously taken through time...

But, beyond those superficial similarities... this is a new and interesting take. Taking them both from their happy ending to different, earlier, more troubled times.

Of course, this is all just the set-up. I don't know where things are going from here, but I'm very interested to find out. Just knowing it's an ML story tells me it'll be well worth the read.

I wonder how long they'll stay. There's a lot of potential to fix old mistakes... and potential to make new ones.

I haven't been following too many stories this year (pretty much just the ones that are assigned to me as a GE, these days), but I'll be keeping my eye out for this one!


When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.