If I tell you that I'm completely confused, will you send the whole story straight to the archives? Please? Pretty please with Superman on top? (er, that came out more nfic-y than I meant it to blush )

Oh, OK. I'll admit it - - I'm just trying to get more of the story. /me rubs hands together and cackles. wink

I don't think it's too confusing. I follow and love the premise. You write a very sexy post honeymoon elevator scene. drool
When the elevator finally dinged, and he was forced to break his hold on Lois, Clark felt more than a little dazed.
Interesting. This seems to be where Tempus made the switch, but how did he do it? Other than a little dizziness for Clark, there seems to be no warning (no flash of light, no feeling of passing through a time window, no cute swirly colors from when Herbie used his soul-tracking device ... Can't wait to see the explanation.

Hey, Jimmy,” Clark said, his mind most definitely not on his young friend even as some part of his mind wondered if Jimmy had changed his hair color.
<snort!> Ode to switching Jimmy actors? Nice cameo reference for Michael Landes as S1 Jimmy.

I feel sorry for Clark. He's back at stage one with Lois and has to deal with Mad Dog Lane and Luthor all over again. grumble

Lois seems to be ahead in this game - by placing her in S2, she knows the secret, she knows he's a lunkhead, she knows he loves her and she's already worked out her issues. What's Tempus' agenda here? Inquiring minds want to know.

OK, I'm ready for the next chapter. Please post soon,