Thanks for the feedback guys! It was more than I was expecting and I'm excited and terrified at the same time.

Hopefully part 2 will be posted in the next couple days...I have to work out a few kinks.

Sam--Thank you! I loved "Soul Mates" and couldn't resist the plot bunny. wink And it's okay, I think I'll survive without a beta. I just thought it might be different to have one! Have you been posting your "soul travel" fic? I'd love to read it.

ScaperRoo--LOL! I loved your response! That Tempus is a piece of work, isn't he? wink

Tank--Thank you! Hee, my muse has yet to tell me how much damage she'll actually cause, but I'm ready with a broom & dustpan!

Laura S--Thanks! And I know what you mean, it's hard when there isn't another chapter to go to! Poor Wells...and Clark...and Lois. I'm so mean! angel-devil

Queen of Capes--It is at that. laugh